
...Krabbe,Tim.WorldRank(Allplayers):.10681.Federation:Netherlands.FIDEID:1000969.B-Year:1943.Sex:Male.FIDEtitle:None.Rating.std2274.rapidNot ...,2004年2月21日在美國評論.Anutterlyengrossingbook,TheRiderbyTimKrabbéisafirst-personaccountofacompetitorinaFrenchamateurcyclingrace.,KrabbéisastrongchessplayerwhocompetedintwoDutchChessChampionshipsin1967and1971.Hemaintainsachesswebsite,andisrenownedfor...

Krabbe, Tim

... Krabbe, Tim. World Rank (All players):. 10681. Federation: Netherlands. FIDE ID: 1000969. B-Year: 1943. Sex: Male. FIDE title: None. Rating. std 2274. rapid Not ...

The Rider - Tim Krabbé

2004年2月21日在美國評論. An utterly engrossing book, The Rider by Tim Krabbé is a first-person account of a competitor in a French amateur cycling race.

Tim Krabbé

Krabbé is a strong chess player who competed in two Dutch Chess Championships in 1967 and 1971. He maintains a chess website, and is renowned for his writings ...

Tim Krabbé

Tim Krabbé 是來自The Netherlands 的自行車騎士。快來加入Strava,追蹤你的活動、分析表現以及關注好友。Strava 會員可規劃路線、參加激勵人心的挑戰以及加入社團。

Tim Krabbé's Chess Curiosities

A site about the beauty of chess - with games, problems, endgame studies and more.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
